It was too good to be true: Wikipedia will have to start limiting editorial access due to some recent entries with malicious intent. It is sad, but probably inevitable that more editorial oversight needed to be added, and probably not for the first time, just a case more egregious than most:
http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/01/23/wikipedia-may-restrict-publics-ability-to-change-entries/?scp=2&sq=Wikipedia&st=cse (New York Times, 26 January 2009). Those of us using or trying to build our own Wikis - beware!
Once again...a couple of morons make life difficult for the rest of us. When I take a poll of students during my 9th grade orienation, most of them have made a bad change to wikipedia on purpose or know someone who has. Deb
Thanks for the comment, Deb...and we thought plagiarism was all we had to worry about!
Deb's comment is interesting ...
And this is a disappointing (and predictable) shift for Wikipedia. I think you have to give some credit to Wikipedia for believing people to be mostly "good", but apparently we're not :(
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