Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Going Deeper - Thing 8

In digging through the Hennepin County Public Library Databases, I came across a real gem that I have already linked to my webpage: "Tell Me More". It is a self-study site offering multiple languages and practice in all modalities. It will enhance my own learning as well as that of my students.
Even more potentially exciting is a site that is currently only available in English and Arabic: "Meedan" It is a social-networking site with automatic translation software by I.B.M. already built in. Its designers hope that it will facilitate positive communication, particularly about the Middle East. While there are still the inevitable glitches that seem to be inescapable with automatic translations, the potential for extending its peaceful applications on a global scale is very promising.


Anonymous said...

The Meedan site is interesting--identifying and translating articles is useful. I wonder how big their audience is/will be? Fascinating list of supporters, too, from IBM to MacArthur Foundation. Thanks for pointing this out.

Karen said...

I'm glad you discovered "Tell Me More". I've been disappointed that HCL doesn't have Rosetta Stone (St. Paul does), so it is good to know that they do have this language instruction resource. Thanks for sharing!