Want to play with photos or show the students how? Here's a free photo-editing site that does not require registration and you can do it right from your browser window. You can even post to Flickr or, God forbid, Facebook: http://www.picnik.com/ It's positive recreation for photo beginners - much more creative than trolling on Facebook or YouTube.
When it all gets to be to be toooooo much, take a break with this site: http://www.pogo.com/home/home.do. With more than 100 games, there's something for everyone, and best of all, you and the students can play in multiple languages (and you didn't think you were a polyglot!). I'm going to put this link on the "Fun Pages" of my webpage.
If you are totally at wit's end, you will find this silly little link irresistible (kids of all ages adore this one because it's just so loopy): http://www.poissonrouge.com/kidscorner/.
L love picnik! Very fun to manipulate photos this way. Nice not to have to register, too.
I tried picnik. Isn't this what the guy used who is being cited for copyright violation by AP for the Obama photo he used to create the "Hope" poster?
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